• Sun. Sep 8th, 2024


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Instruments And Equipments For  PHARMACOGNOSY , PATHOLOGY and BOTANY form
S.No  Essential Equipments And Instruments Count/Availability of Instruments And Equipments
1 Binocular microscope 15
2 X-ray view box 1
3 Sterile disposable lancer/needle Available
4 Sahli’s Square tube 30
5 Hb pipette 30
6 Dropper 30
7 Glass rod Available
8 WBC Pipette 30
9 Improved Neubauer chamber 30
10 Cover slip Available
11 Red cell pipette 30
12 Cleaned slides Available
13 Incubator 1
14 Wintrobe’s tube 30
15 Pasteur’s pipette 30
16 Centrifuge Graduatee machine 1
17 Westregrens pipette 30
18 Rubber teat Available
19 Westergrens’s stand 30
20 Litmus paper Available
21 pH indicator paper strips Available
22 Urinometer 30
23 Multi stix Available
24 Bunsen burner 30
25 Test tube Available
26 Glass Jars with lid of different sizes Available
27 Magnifying lens Available
28 Autoclave 1
29 Water bath Available
30 Separating funnels of various sizes Available
31 Stop watch 30
32 Ultraviolet lamp 1
33 Monocular microscope with oil emersion lens20(e) 15
34 Capillary Tubes Available
35 Hot air oven 1
36 Microscope with oil immersion 15
37 Refrigerators 1
38 Sterile vessels/bottle to collect samples Available
39 BP Apparatus 30
40 Stethocope 30
41 Thermometer 30
42 Tongue depressor 30
43 Torch Available
44 Knee hammer Available
45 Measuring Tape Available
46 ENT examination set Available
47 Reflectors(Mirrors) Available
48 Weighing machine 1
49 Tuning Forks Available
50 Nasal speculum Available
51 Laryngoscope Available
52 Catheters Available
53 Probes Available
54 Physical balance 1
55 Syringe needle destroyer Available
56 HBs Ag kit Available
57 HIV kit – Tridot (method by T Mitra) Available
58 CT and BT kit Available
59 Cell counter (haemoautoanalyser) 2
60 Renal profile, LET kit, Lipid profile, Blood Sugar kit Available

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